May 12, 2014

Mid May flower report from my village Lövstabruk in Uppland

Living in a area where the spring is several months long is a pure pleasure, and as I usually say: "It's like falling in love, over and over again, for months". 
Every day there is something new to see, overlapping of flowers along the roads, lawns, forrests or a fragance hitting You around the corner that wasn't there the day before!

Today it was a sunny day and I took a long walk around our village with my camera:

Our lawns have been covered with White Snowdrops, Blue Scilla, Yellow Springonions and now Daisys/Bellis & Yellow Primroses
At the Manor house the Linden trees got their leaves the last couple of days
And in the Fruit orchard the Cherry and Appletrees showing off
Clean Air :D

We have enjoyed the fantastic flavour of Ramson/Ramslök for a long while but now it's time to enjoy the flowers and the subtle smell of fresh onion

During my walk I met cute Tifla, a Danish-Swedish Farmdog

In my own garden have the Forget-Me-Not/Förgätmigej started to bloom along the edges
The Tarda Tulips/Flocktulpan are full on
This Daisy/Bellis in my lawn looks like it is on steriods

Thank You for today, hope Your day was great as well, Per!

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